


Be attention:
This light is for 110V (use in Japan).

Use manual in english is at bottom of this page.

Marshmallow Man soft vinyl toy meets table light!
There is turn on and off switch.
The color is white. (Not Glow in the dark.)

Size H200mm


【Please be sure to read】
* As for the International order, please mail to with your info and the title you want to buy.
* Please provide full info we need when you place your order ,otherwise, we give the priority to another customer.
* Please read this page if you are the first time customer.
* This toy includes no header card but paper made basement only.
* We may not offer you the stock in the case this toys is sold out quickly.
* We have the right to cancel your order or we may not accept your all and every orders to buy the same toy.
* We can not accept returning because of the damages on the package.
* Please make an order and payment by the same customer.
* Don’t keep putting and displaying this item near to hot or worm places like inside the car. It will cause damage or deformation.
* We can’t accept the refund or exchange for the reason of the quality of clear soft vinyl like bubble inside.
* This is not playable toy but electronic devise. Please read the instruction and don't use other than as table light.

This is licensed item


User Manial in English:

Thanks for your purchase.
Please read this manual before you will use this item.

* If you gaze at the light long time, you may hurt your eyes.
* This light is for indoor. No play or stand at high temperature or moisty conditions.
* Don’t put this item near to fireable stuffs or place.
* Don’t pull or twist the cable hardly. It may cause leakage or electric shock.
* No remodeling with this. If may cause fire or electric shock accidents.
* If the cable gets damages, please stop and don’t use after that.
* This light is for 110V (use in Japan). Don’t use other than it.
* Please pull off the cable from the electric outlet if you won’t use for a while.
* Don’t rub or pull the felt fabric position.

[Exchange the light]:
* if you will exchange light bulb, please turn off the switch.
* Please warm up the legs and the bottom of Marshmallow Man vinyl toy like using hairdryer and pull off it after that.
* Don’t use different size or condition light bulb to exchange.
* Don’t use chemical and volatility staffs like thinner or cleanser to clean up.

販売価格: 17,050(税込)
